Do you use Math project based learning for the year in your classroom?  I am a big fan of using PBL projects year-round in school. These projects work well for early finishers and in centers so that I can pull small groups. When I first created the Plan a Vacation Budget Planning project in 2018, I hadn’t thought beyond the project. This original resource was something that students completed at the end of the school year, and they loved it. After some time, I realized that having Math project based learning for the year was helpful for kids and teachers.

A closer look at Math project based learning for the year

  1. Back to school on a budget– This resource provides students with various scenarios that occur during back-to-school time. Students will be given a lump sum of money to buy basic school supplies. Kids must compare the costs of school supplies, clothing, and extracurricular activities. There is a section for kids to purchase items they might want, such as a new iPad, computer, calculator, etc. This project can be eye-opening to students who don’t realize how quickly the cost of returning to school can be.

back-to-school activity

  1. Holidays on a budget- Most people have a variety of celebrations to attend around holiday time. This resource allows students to plan a celebration and see the associated costs. This project will also enable students to see how much time it takes to organize an event.  Students can also plan what gifts to buy loved ones using a budget. Plus, they will plan activities they would like to do during their winter break.

  1. Plan a Spring Vacation– This resource dives into spring break and how much it would cost to plant a garden and make plans over the week of spring break. Students will research different activities near able to budget their money wisely.

Project Based Learning Math 4th, 5th, 6th, Spring time group research budgeting

  1. Plan a Vacation using a budget– This BEST-SELLING resource is so fun for kids who can plan a dream vacation anywhere they want to go. Students must research the cost of flights, car rentals, eating out, vacation clothing, and more. This allows students to see how fast an allotted amount of money can be spent.

Included in Math project based learning for the year resources:

All of the Math PBL projects can be started with a blank check (included inside). With all of the projects, I like to give students a bigger budget so that they can see how fast the money can be spent.

Blank check for math PBL projects

The beauty of these projects is that they are NO-PREP work for the teacher. Each of the projects can be explained at the beginning of class, and then when students finish their work or have dedicated time to work on each project, they just get to work. These projects allow teachers to have time to pull small groups of students who might be struggling with other skills or to do check-ins with each group to see how their projects are coming along. These projects spark great conversation between the kids and their teachers. Also, students benefit from using technology in the classroom.

Math Project-Based Learning for the Year

Using Math project based learning for the year can be a fun and insightful way for kids to learn about budgeting money and how to research effectively.