Do you make goals?

It can be difficult to achieve goals without a long-term plan, especially for kids. To help with this, 5 Simple steps = BIG goal setting impacts in the classroom.

Personally, I find running helpful for clearing my head and sleeping better. During the last school year, I established a great routine of running with my dogs several times a week. However, during the summer, the heat wave made it challenging, and I stopped running altogether. Recently, I started running again, but it was not as effortless as it was before. I had to set small goals, like running to specific markers on my street, to avoid getting out of breath. As time passed, I was able to run a little further each week, my ultimate goal is to run around the entire neighborhood without stopping.

What does goal setting look like for kids?

Setting goals is a key part of a child’s personal and academic development. This means helping children identify specific, achievable goals that contribute to their success. The goals should be appropriate for their age, practical, and tailored to their needs. Parents and teachers have an important role in guiding children through the process of goal setting by breaking down objectives into manageable steps and teaching them how to create, achieve, and ask for help if needed. Using visual aids can make the process more engaging, and celebrating small successes along the way can reinforce the importance of persistence and boost their confidence. Starting to set goals early can help children develop essential skills in planning, organization, and self-discipline that lay the foundation for lifelong success.

One day at a time giphy

5 Simple steps = BIG goal setting impacts in the classroom

1.Provide students with a list of objectives they have learned throughout the school year. (As you discuss the objectives, ask the students to make a mental note of skills they could use extra help with.)

2.Discuss how you go about achieving a goal. How each small step can make an impact.

3.Discuss ways to fit in extra practice time. (Extra 5 minutes instead of watching TV or playing video game, when they get home while they are having a snack, in long car rides on the way to a sport or extra curricular activity, etc.)

4.Offer suggestions of ways to continue working on their goal when days or weeks are missed.

5.Provide ways to measure if their goal is attained. How often should they check in on their goal?

Goal setting doesn’t have to take a long time, and it can have a big impact. Have students keep their goal-setting sheets in a place that they can refer back to them often.

Having setbacks in OK

I usually talk to the students about how there are always setbacks. Last week, it rained EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since I only run outside, it was impossible for me to run at all last week. However, I didn’t stop. Sometimes, my legs feel sore, and I skip a day, but that is OK too.

I usually conclude that while I am still not able to run the whole neighborhood, not being out of breath, my progress is noticeable.

Click here to grab a copy of your own ➤ GOAL SETTING SHEET

When taught in steps, kids can see how 5 Simple steps = BIG goal setting impacts in the classroom

You can also find me on TPT ➔ Marcy’sMayhem

& on ETSY ➔  Marcy’s Mayhem