Teaching kids to budget money

How many times have you heard this from kids? Can we buy that? Teaching kids to budget money can be challenging.  It is easier to learn about the value of a dollar if you are earning and spending your own money. Kids can have big dreams, which is fantastic, but with these big dreams comes […]

Fun December activities for elementary students

Do you need some fun December activities for elementary students? Keeping students engaged in December can be a challenge. Kids are excited about upcoming holidays, winter break, and weather changes. Teachers might find that if they slightly tweak their traditional lessons, they can have a smoother day while keeping kids learning! 3 Fun December activities […]

Readers’ theater scripts in the classroom

Are you using readers’ theater scripts in the classroom? I love using readers’ theater or “drama” in the classroom because they are a perfect way to keep kids engaged and learning reading skills. Have you ever said, “Kids, today we are going to do a reading comprehension passage in class today?” I’m sure you heard […]

Math project based learning for the year

Do you use Math project based learning for the year in your classroom?  I am a big fan of using PBL projects year-round in school. These projects work well for early finishers and in centers so that I can pull small groups. When I first created the Plan a Vacation Budget Planning project in 2018, […]

What is project-based learning?

What is project-based learning, you ask? This post will show examples of my favorite ways to teach kids without teaching them. It is one of those examples of teaching a man to fish per se. One of my favorite math projects with upper elementary and early middle school is the Budget for students activity. WHAT […]

Easy strategies when reading

We know, as teachers, that using easy strategies when reading with your students can have a HUGE IMPACT.  However, finding a way to teach them all can be hard to remember for children, especially a struggling reader. When I first started teaching, I was handed a chart of reading strategies with 12 squares on the […]

Poetry Rules is a book to improve reading skills ALL year long!

Poetry Rules can help improve reading skills ALL year long and help get kids excited about reading poetry. Can you imagine having just one book to point out a variety of reading skills to your students? This book is it! Taking over a year to write and illustrate, and I love the finished product. While […]

Phonics small groups for older students

Have you thought about pulling phonics small groups for older students yet? We as educators know how important one-on-one instruction can be, yet it is hard to push aside when you have all the others things to manage. When I started teaching, it was at a Title I school with a huge population of English […]

Classroom décor ideas elementary

What are your favorite Classroom décor ideas for elementary and middle school? It is hard to believe that teachers are already heading back to school as early as next week. If you love modern-looking décor in real life, why not incorporate it into your classrooms? I have several sets that I have made, updated, and […]

Setting up a successful reading classroom corner

Setting up a successful reading classroom corner

I am just returning from a Chicago conference where I took a class on setting up a successful reading classroom corner and am feeling inspired. There is nothing better than hearing from other educators about ways to do things you may have never thought of before. Years ago, I would eye roll if I had […]