Aristotle said, “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” Now, I am NO philosopher; in fact, I did very poorly in school when I learned philosophy, but this sentence makes total sense to me when it comes to children in elementary and middle school who need to learn another way than paper and pencil.

These three projects are sure to engage ANY student and keep them learning. PLUS,  they can take time from your standing and physically teaching and allow students to learn by DOING. Check how these resources changed my classroom and the three classroom projects that will engage ANY student!

All of the projects below use similar materials. While you do not need them all, they are what are included in the directions of each of the resources.

Three classroom projects that will engage ANY student material list: Click the links to see them on Amazon

  1. File folders – 36 pack- Perfect for an entire classroom
  2. Astrobrights white cardstock
  3. Scotch heavy-duty packing tape
  4. Elmer’s Glue Stick – 12 count (easy to share!)

Animal Research Project

This one is great for basically any upper elementary student. Every kid has a favorite animal, and they can pick which one they want to research. This product guides students step-by-step on conducting research and creating a cute 3D foldable. For students who may struggle with an entire project or need a modification, have them research and complete the flip book (shown below.)

How These Resources Changed My Classroom, Three projects that will engage ANY student

I recommend having students complete the project in this order to minimize frustration. Dedicate some time to work on the projects each day, and encourage students to work on the project as an early finisher activity. Have the students store all their papers and research in the file folder. Creating the foldable will be the last step.

1.Pick a favorite animal

2. Complete the research pages.

3. Fill out the flip book pages and create the flipbook.

4. Complete the interior and exterior pages of the project using the research pages.

5. Construct the 3D folder

6. Cut and glue the pages to the folder.

Below are pictures of the completed project. Rubrics are also inside for an easy way to grade the project. 

How These Resources Changed My Classroom, Three projects that will engage ANY student Animal Research Project

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End of Novel Project – FOR ANY BOOK!

This resource is perfect to use any time of the school year when the class or the student completes a novel. As another idea, if you do book clubs, this makes a great extension activity or GT assignment.

How These Resources Changed My Classroom, Three projects that will engage ANY student End of Novel Project – FOR ANY BOOK!

This project is a chance for students to reflect on a book they have read. It lends to students having conversations about how they related to characters, lessons they learned inside the book, the author’s main message, writing alternate endings, and writing book reviews.

Also included are:

1. Step-by-step directions to complete the project.

2. Guided questions the student can pick from.

3. Note-taking pages

4. Directions for writing a book review

5. Rubrics are also included!

How These Resources Changed My Classroom, Three projects that will engage ANY student End of Novel Project – FOR ANY BOOK!

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College Research Projects

Is it ever too soon to start thinking about your future? Nah! Using this resource, students can see choices they should consider when planning to go to college or another form of schooling.

I do suggest using this project with 4th grade or higher. This project guides students to go step by step when picking a school and other things they might not have considered about going to school.

This project can also be EYE-OPENING when showing kids how much college tuition can cost, the price of a dorm or apartment, food, travel, etc.  This project can help give students an appreciation for the dollar as well.  

How These Resources Changed My Classroom, Three projects that will engage ANY student College research project

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Using these resources changed my classroom with these three classroom projects that will engage ANY student; I know that the kids in your classroom will enjoy using them, too!

Click here ➡️for more FUN projects to use with students 

You can also find me on TPT ➔ Marcy’sMayhem

& on ETSY ➔  Marcy’s Mayhem

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