This Blue Watercolor flower themed decor set helps to give your binders and classroom calendar a pop of color. Included inside you will find binder covers and matching spines and a printable calendar. The floral print has bright designs that your students will surely love.
The Binder Spines include the below subjects and are available in 1 ½ “, 2” & 3 “ sizes:
- Reading
- Language Arts
- Social Studies
- Science
- P.E
- Music
- Art
- Specials
- Large Group
- Substitute
- Small Groups
- Teacher
- Homeroom
- Health
- Attendance
- Blank page
If you need a notepad to match this decor set, please click on the TEACHER NOTEPAD LINK for additional matching decor.
Don’t see the title you need? You can email me at Marcy’s Mayhem email and I will add to the pack. I want to make all my customers happy with the product that they purchase. Please note that I may not be able toI add the title you need immediately but will do my best to add in a timely matter. If you like this product, it is part of the Blue Watercolor Decor Set.
- Calendar which provides 12 months, days of the week, numbers for calendar and special occasions
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