Elementary Read Aloud Must Haves

These classroom library Must-Haves are great for any elementary teacher to use a variety of ways throughout the school year. All these books can be found on Amazon and are classroom staples! Read these books aloud to students and then put in your classroom library for them to enjoy all school year long.


The Raft

Dalton’s Dress-Up Dilemma

Salt in his Shoes

The Other Side

The Ugly Doodles

Elementary Read Aloud Must Haves

How to use these texts during the year.

1.The Raft – I love using this book at beginning of the school year to talk about what students did over the summertime. The main character in the story is not excited about spending the summer with his grandmother but ends up having the best vacation. This book is great to teach summary, making predictions, and making the best of a situation.

2.Dalton’s Dress-Up Dilemma  – This book is perfect for students who love comic style texts. This book is packed full of different figurative language examples that include idioms, similes, metaphors, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeias, oxymorons, and more. The main character loves to dress up and makes a huge mess in his room. Each time the character changes his costume, the style of figurative language also changes. This book is great to introduce or reteach figurative language to kids of any age.

3.Salt in his Shoes – Use this book to teach perseverance to kids. Kids love reading this book because it is a true story about how Michael Jordan almost gives up on his dreams because he fears he will never be tall enough to play basketball. Use this book to teach cause & effect and sequence. This book is also great to teach determination and patience.

4.The Other Side –  This book is a beautiful story about a friendship between two girls. There is a fence that separates African American kids at the edge of Clover’s property. The mother of the main character tells Clover that it is not safe to cross but the two girls become friends regardless. This book is great to discuss equality and racial divide.

5.The Ugly Doodles – This book is about a young girls who falls in love with art. She would like to be an artist herself but isn’t great at drawing. When asked to clean her room, the girl discovers that she can not get rid of her art. This book is great to teach about imperfection and failure.